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Beacon Villages Journal
Friends and Far Friends     
This is an appeal, firstly to the people who live in the village of South Tawton, then to those who live in the Parish of South Tawton and then to those in the Beacon Villages area and finally to anyone else in the world, who cares for their heritage.

Adrian Tinniswood is an author, historian and educationalist and Chair of the Heritage Lottery Fund Committee for the South West.

This what he had to say at the official re-opening of Church House, South Tawton, after its major £350,000 restoration

We have now a beautiful heritage site and community hall, but how do we keep it that way?

On a day to day basis, the building must pay its running costs - lighting, heating, cleaning, insurance, etc.

In addition, materials and equipment will need replacing and repair. And we must also make provision for future redecoration and thatching costs.

Finally, as a Grade 2* listed building built in 1490, together with the Church of Saint Andrew, a Grade 1 listed building dating from c1200, there is a major Heritage Site right in the heart of the village and Parish. The provision of educational and visitor material requires further funding.

The Church House Management Committee is working very hard to cover these costs in terms of hall hire and fund raising events. However these efforts in themselves will not be enough. What is needed is a firm base of support to at least cover the costs that simply must be met (for example, insurance alone is about £1000pa and can you imagine the cost of thatching a roof of that size?).

There is in existence a group called "The Friends of Church House". It was with their help that the restoration got off the ground. But, at present, this is a small group of only about 50 people. What is needed is that EVERY ADULT in the PARISH of SOUTH TAWTON becomes a member. The cost is £10 for an individual or £15 for a couple. That sounds expensive? 3 pence a day or less? How much is a tin of pet food or a bag of crisps? And when they have gone, you have nothing. What better present could you give your kids (or grandchildren) than their heritage?

Church House


I dread to think what the average age of the Church House Management Committee is. It must be over 70! They can give their time to conserve your children's' heritage, because they are not at work. If you are busy with a family or as a bread winner, then you can't be expected to give your time (yet - someone must when you retire). But you can afford this small amount to make sure Church House is still here for your descendants.

Apart from conserving your children's' Heritage, other benefits include an annual get together lunch in Church House, a twice a year Newsletter and a membership card giving you discounts from sale items and Church House events.

We do, where possible, prefer to send Newsletters etc. by email to save postage costs.

There is also a special membership of this group called "Far Friends" which is intended for folk who live too far away from South Tawton, either in this country or overseas, to be able to enjoy the place or the full benefits of membership.

We already have members in Australia and the USA. The subscription for this is quoted at $10 but you can pay in any currency you wish.

If you are an ex patriot, maybe even from Dartmoor itself, you may have a special reason for wishing to conserve your Heritage. However, folk from all over the world can claim this Heritage as their own, as their ancestors might well have left Britain via Plymouth, a few miles from here.

How can you join? The Church House website takes secure Credit/Debit Card payments. Don't delay - do it now!
